Monday, February 17, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (21)

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a meme from Book Journey where we spotlight what we finished reading, are currently reading and plan to read next.
{Finished Reading}

Tricks (Take It Off, #6)

{Currently Reading}
Solving for Ex

 {What I'm Going to Read Next} 

The Hunt (Project Paper Doll, #2)

What about you? What have you read lately? What's next on your list?


  1. I just finished reading 'This is what happy looks like by Jennifer E. Smith' and I loved it! I was planning to go on with the contemporary theme so maybe I'll start with 'Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins' or 'Everyday by David Levithan'. I'm starting to really love this genre :)

  2. Me too! And Jennifer E Smith and Stephanie Perkins are fabulous writers. I haven't read anything by David Levithan but I've heard good things.
